Tally Blog

Tips to Keep Your Accounting Organized

Tips to Keep Your Accounting Organized

Regardless if you’re managing a big or small business, you employ a professional accountant, or have an accountant on staff, keeping your accounting records and systems organized is imperative for success. It’s like trying to drive your car without gas; all businesses must keep good records of the financial side of the business in order to properly function.

In our experience, we've noticed business owners are often afraid of the accounting and bookkeeping side of their business. Fear makes us do funny things including ignoring the issue. However, when we ignore accounting, it inevitably builds up creating a system of chaos and disorganization; making it even more frightening. Use these tips to help you get and keep your accounts organized. It will make the process less painful and easier to manage. 

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5 Things an Accountant Can Do For Your Business

5 Things an Accountant Can Do For Your Business

A side effect of owning a business is the paperwork and accounting side of the operation. You might love your business and what you do day-in and day-out, but chances are, you didn't start your business because you love paperwork. 

As a result, many business owners do not have the deep accounting know-how and many don't have the time they thought they would to learn accounting on the go. Paperwork often falls to the wayside and business owners often report it is an unneccessarily stressful facet of the business. 

Asking for professional accounting support may be the logical next step to help you get back to what really matters. Leaning on the accounting expertise of Tally Services can help your business in the following ways:

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Top 10 Cash Flow Tips

Top 10 Cash Flow Tips

Small businesses, especially, can live and die by the success of their cash flow. But many don't realize it's significance or plan for the success of cash flow. Getting a good handle on cash flow will protect businesses from unexpected expenses and make the day-to-day less stressful. 
The term cash flow refers to how money moves through your business, taking account the money that is coming in and going out. It also deals with the timing of money movement, meaning it's imperative that businesses coordinate the movement so at any one time, the finances are safe. Use these top ten tips from Tally Services bookkeepers and accountants to manage your cash flow:
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