Woman to Woman - Business Tips for Success!

Tally Services in Fort Collins, Colorado is a woman-owned and ran company, something we're immensely proud of. Owning a business as a female presents a unique set of challenges. Over the years, we've worked with businesses of all sizes, shapes, and make-ups including women-owned. We've learned a thing or two about running a business as a woman and wanted to pay-it-forward in thanks to all of those who have come before us to show us the ropes. 

Use these tips we've learned and honed over the years to help make your business a success:

  • Be Confident - First and foremost, you CAN do this - you were made to do this! It can be harder to women to be confident about money and business in general, as this and many other studies point out, but don't let that stop you. Learn to be confident and OWN your ideas. 
  • Understand the Numbers - Women are often less confident when it comes to understanding the numbers that drive the company. Take time to understand the business and accounting side that can make or break your business. Don't let anyone tell you a woman can't do math. 
  • Know Your Worth - Don't take less than your skills and products are worth just because you're a woman. Negotiate your terms and stick to them. Research what other similar businesses charge and don't let anyone talk you down. 
  • Business is Business - Women inevitably have a harder time separating business from personal than men do. Don't let your emotions get in the way of business; just remember, it's not personal, it's business. 
  • Network with Other Women - For whatever reason, women can be less confident in using their networks to help their business succeed. Don't be too shy to go to that networking event, and don't be afraid to leverage who you already know. 
  • Bring the Kids - Many women feel like they can't own a successful business when they have little kids at home. You might not be physically able to bring your kids along with you to work, but let them be your inspiration. Show them that moms can do just as many cool things as dads can. They won't be little forever and they will survive and thrive with an entrepreneurial mom. 
  • Nothing Slides - Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you have to let everything slide. If someone owes your business, don't let it slide. If you have an problem with an employee or customer, don't let it slide. You can be a powerful business owner and be a woman. 
  • Ask for Help - Tally Services and many other businesses around the world are women-owned and woman-ran. Lean other others who have more experience and don't be afraid to ask for help. We want you to succeed just as much as you do!

Tally Services is honored support other women business owners. If you have any questions or if we can be of accounting, bookkeeping, or mentor service we would be delighted. Please contact us for more information. 


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