Tally Blog

Accounting in the Modern, Virtual World
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Accounting in the Modern, Virtual World

One of the biggest perks of being a business owner is having the flexibly to work when and where you want to. You don't have to get permission to take that vacation or to schedule a conference call on the road. In our modern age, more and more regular business tasks can be handled virtually, including your accounting! 

A common question we get asked by our new clients is how often they will have to come into our office to meet with our team to go over their accounting and bookkeeping needs. We're always thrilled to say, "Never!" 

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Tips to Keep Your Accounting Organized

Tips to Keep Your Accounting Organized

Regardless if you’re managing a big or small business, you employ a professional accountant, or have an accountant on staff, keeping your accounting records and systems organized is imperative for success. It’s like trying to drive your car without gas; all businesses must keep good records of the financial side of the business in order to properly function.

In our experience, we've noticed business owners are often afraid of the accounting and bookkeeping side of their business. Fear makes us do funny things including ignoring the issue. However, when we ignore accounting, it inevitably builds up creating a system of chaos and disorganization; making it even more frightening. Use these tips to help you get and keep your accounts organized. It will make the process less painful and easier to manage. 

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