Stop Stressing! Tally Services is Here to Help with Corporate Tax Prep!

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It might just be one of the most honest things ever said. Once again, tax season is nearly upon us. It’s also the time many business owners begin worrying about year-end reporting and corporate tax preparation. The good news is, you don’t have to go it alone… Tally Services can help!

As you start thinking of your 2017 business taxes, partner with Tally Services. We can help you plan ahead so your tax season goes smoothly and reduces your stress on the matter. We’ll help you with your initial tax prep tasks, saving you both the headache and expense of having your CPA do it.  

The Tally Services team is very well-versed in tax prep and ready to help businesses large and small tackle them. Our tax prep services include:

  • Year-End: We can help you wrap up your year-end reporting, reconciling, and adjustments necessary for a successful tax season. Once your year-end tasks are wrapped up correctly, tax prep isn’t nearly as hard.

  • Cross Check: Even if your business has an in-house bookkeeper, it’s always a good idea to have a second, unbiased set of eyes cross checking the work. This will save you from any surprises and helps prevent embezzlement. If you’re doing it alone as the business owner, it is helpful to lean on our team of accounting experts for accuracy and help when needed.

  • Tax Forms: Many businesses find the 1099s, W-2, and W-9 tax form creation daunting. Tally Services can help you navigate these IRS documents to ensure your business is properly filing and accounting for income and payroll.

  • 1099s: If your company hires 1099 contract employees, independent contractors, we can help you send out the proper tax forms to each and account for those costs in your tax prep.

  • Year-End Adjustments: In your tax filings, you must account for any unusual or unaccounted for transactions, expenses, or payments through a year-end adjustment. If your business needs help managing your adjustments, we can help you sort it out so your tax filings match your statements, bank accounts, and ledgers.

  • Custom Solutions: We’re happy to meet your business exactly where it is and provide custom solutions that meet your needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us; we’ll find a solution that works for you!

We’ll work together to cross each of these year-end and tax preparation tasks off the list; your business will be completely ready for your CPA to file your corporate tax return. It is expensive to have your business accountant do the initial tax prep for you, working with Tally to get everything in order is a much more cost-effective solution. Your tax prep will be done quickly and effectively so you won’t have to stress about tax season.

As a business owner, the last thing you want to be worrying about is taxes and bookkeeping, but rather growing your clientele, increasing business, and meeting the needs of your customers and employees. Let us worry about the behind-the-scenes tax prep and year-end bookkeeping tasks. We’ll save you time, money, and perhaps, most importantly the usual stress of tax season. Contact us today to find a solution that will work for your business!



Handle Your Business Tax Prep Differently this Year!


Tax Season is Near: Start Prepping Now!